How to Treat Crack Addiction
Things You'll Need
- Physician
- Addiction treatment specialist
- Behavioral therapist
Treat Crack Cocaine Addiction
There is no single "correct" or "guaranteed" approach when it comes to treating crack addiction or the addiction to any other drug. If the user does not have a long history of drug abuse, participation in an outpatient treatment center's drug rehab program may suffice. However, in users with a continued history of crack or drug addiction and dependence, lengthier and more intensive treatments will be required.
Recognize the withdrawal symptoms that accompany the cessation of crack cocaine use. These include, but are not necessarily limited to: depression and intense physical craving for the drug, anxiety, outbursts of often violent anger, extreme irritability, nausea and vomiting, insomnia and muscle pain. If possible, medical supervision should accompany a crack user's withdrawal. Even if a wait list accompanies your preferred treatment option, the professionals at an addiction treatment facility can advise you how to deal with a crack addict's withdrawal symptoms.
Though crack cocaine produces a powerful physical addiction, there is no therapy drug available to use as a safe "substitute" to treat crack addiction. While heroin addicts can treat their addiction by substituting methadone for heroin, an equivalent for crack addicts does not exist. Thus, medical intervention is often necessary to monitor and aid an individual's withdrawal.
Seek a local Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous chapter. If you are having trouble helping the addict get placement in a treatment center, this may be your best option. A Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous counselor can advise you as to how you should intervene and help the crack user overcome their physical withdrawal symptoms. Do not attempt an intervention without first discussing and deciding upon a correct plan of action with a knowledgeable professional.
Contact your local mental health facility to inquire about treatment programs available to crack addicts. Any prohibitive costs may be covered under the user's or the parent or guardian's health insurance. Because crack abuse has become so widespread, such facilities often have lengthy waiting lists. This, unfortunately, means that many addicts continue using the drug while awaiting treatment.