How to Treat Steroid Addiction
Things You'll Need
- Addiction treatment specialist
Speak to a professional at an addiction treatment center about strategies to consider when planning an intervention against a steroid user. The professional will advise you on the setting, what to say and how to address the user's objections during an intervention.
Invite the steroid user to talk, but don't let the user know that an intervention is planned prior to the conversation. Enlist the aid of a knowledgeable third party, preferably someone who has experience with steroid issues. A former user or health professional could fill this role. Explain to the user that he or she has a medical problem that must treated before it causes significant harm.
Seek a treatment program at a local clinic that can monitor the steroid addict's transition back into drug-free life. While treatment programs designed specifically to help steroid users overcome their addiction are still rare, addicts can still benefit from a general detoxification program. Discuss the options available to you with an addiction counselor at the local clinic.
Persuade the user to enroll in behavioral or psychological counseling. This treatment is aimed at helping the user recognize and overcome the psychological or behavioral issues that led to the addiction. Because steroids do not create as strong a physical dependence as street drugs like crack or heroin, psychological counseling can be effective.
Go beyond your community. A national organization like Addiction Intervention Resources (see Resources below) can be of great help to individuals unsure of where to turn.