Make Your Neighborhood Drug-Free
Follow these guidelines to clean out your neighborhood - based on the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Education and the National Crime Prevention Council.Things You'll Need
- Banners
- Bonded Paper
- Envelopes
- Pens
- Flyers
Form a neighborhood watch group, a community patrol or block association. Recruit your neighbors to patrol the streets and record license-plate numbers of suspicious vehicles.
Work actively with the police. Invite them to your neighborhood meetings and inform them of suspicious activities.
Provide neighborhood young people with positive activities as alternatives to being involved with drugs.
Enlist the aid of your city public works department to clean up the streets. They can help put up bright lights, sweep up litter, paint over graffitti and plant flowers.
Put banners and signs, or even use a loudspeaker or bullhorn, to publicly broadcast to dealers that your community is alert to their activities.
Protest businesses and landlords who allow or ignore drug dealers and their actions.
Organize block parties and neighborhood volleyball games to show dealers a strong, united front.
Encourage your children! Reinforce anti-drug attitudes, and reassure your kids that you love them and that they don't need drugs.