How to Coach for an Intervention
Research drug treatment centers that meet the needs of the addict to whom you are going to be speaking. Look into the treatment options at each center and ask yourself the following questions: How long is inpatient treatment? What types of therapies are offered for patients? Do they allow visiting days for family? What is the cost and will health insurance cover a portion of it?
Choose a drug treatment center that you and the rest of the family agree would be the best choice for the addict. Contact the rehab facility and begin the admission process.
Complete all of the surrounding details such as where the intervention will be, who will escort the addict to the treatment center and what the plan will be if he chooses not to go. It must be the addict's decision to go to treatment; he cannot be forced into rehab.
Practice the intervention. Instruct all who are going to be involved with the process to write brief statements explaining how the addict's behavior has caused them worry, concern or grief. Stay united as a group, and present yourselves as non-judgmental toward the addict. Discuss that you all understand it is a disease and that the person needs professional help.
Host the intervention. Understand you have no control of the outcome. The addict may willingly go to treatment, turn away or require time to think about her options. Regardless of the end result, taking the step of hosting an intervention is a large undertaking to attempt to save someone you love.