Alcohol Treatment Centers
Muilti-addiction Treatment
The Palm Partners Recovery Center, located in Delray Beach, Florida, was founded in 1994 by two recovering alcoholics and drug addicts who saw a need to establish specialized treatment services as a way to ensure long-term recovery. This facility is based on a combination of the traditional 12-Step program model combined with a variety of treatment strategies and health and wellness practices. Depending on the severity of individual alcohol addiction, varying degrees of treatment are offered, including in-residence and out-patient treatment options. The Palm Partners Recovery Center alumni department is available to offer support once a patient has finished treatment.
Alternative Alcohol Treatment
Promises Treatment Centers, located in Malibu and West Los Angeles, California, is a dual-diagnosis addition treatment agency, accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Promises employs a number of treatment methods, such as medically monitored detoxification, individual therapy, psycho-educational groups, stress management strategies, cognitive behavioral therapy, equine-assisted therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and somatic therapy.
Network Treatment Options
Treatment Solutions Network includes 19 facilities across the U.S. and abroad that are able to provide a caring environment with experienced counselors during and after a patient is enrolled in their programs. Depending on the severity of individual alcoholism, up to six months of multi-phased treatment options are offered at each of the facilities located in New Jersey, Florida, California, Utah, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas and Arizona and Cape Town, South Africa. Detox, inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care programs are available, with typical treatment lasting 30 to 60 days.
Nonprofit Rehabilitation
The Betty Ford Center, located in Rancho Mirage, California, was founded in October 1982. The provides treatment for alcoholism and other drug dependencies. It is a nonprofit facility that provides affordable pricing, knowledgeable staff, state-of-the-art facilities and treatment services and a lifetime of support for each patient. Each of the inpatient, residential day, and outpatient treatment programs are based on the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and are gender-specific. Each day of treatment consists of a full schedule of activities such as individual therapy, fitness, specialty groups, educational lectures and group therapy.