How to Look for Alternatives to AA Meetings

Over many years, Alcoholics Anonymous has helped people gain sobriety and change the lives of individuals and their families. AA is not for everyone since the 12 Step Program is based on spirituality and the belief in a higher energy source or God. Non-religious people and others who have found AA ineffective may decide to seek other therapy to help with their alcohol addiction. There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for an alternative to AA meetings.


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      Read a self-help book on alcohol addiction. These books can help you understand your battle with addiction, emphasize that your battle is fought by many others and recommend actions and methods that are accessible to you.

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      Establish a support group consisting of trustworthy friends and family. People that care about you will be happy to help when you feel the need to drink. They may also be able to give helpful advice on alcohol addiction and recovery based on personal experience.

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      Attend a self-help group for support from people battling the same alcohol addiction as you. You can gain useful insight on methods that work. If you do not want to attend a local self-help group, there are many online ones, like Smart Recovery or Life Ring Secular Recovery.

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      Develop a self-recovery plan of action for your alcohol addiction. Determine your goals and the steps necessary to accomplish it. Carry a copy of the plan wherever you go. Some websites were established to help you put a plan of action in place, like Rational Recovery.

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      Change your way of thinking using a behavioral change program. This may be the best alternative to AA meetings. Behavioral changes can happen with the help of a trained professional. There are some online behavioral change programs that may be a low cost alternative to psychological help, like Moderation Management and Smart Recovery.

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