Anti-Smoking Activities
Perhaps one of the best anti-smoking activities is giving your body a good workout. Not only will this get your mind off of cigarettes, it will also release endorphins, which give the body an overall sense of well-being. Some possibilities include weight lifting, aerobics, jogging and bike riding.
Chewing Gum
This tends to work well for many people who are struggling with the urge to smoke. Just chew on some gum whenever you find yourself craving a cigarette. Gradually, it should become easier over time and the cravings should decrease.
If you have smoked for a considerable period of time, it's likely that you will have plenty of spare time on your hands after quitting. That's why finding a new hobby is an effective way to stay busy while keeping your mind away from smoking. Try something that you have always wanted to do but never got around to. Some ideas are collecting, fishing, cooking, gardening, scrapbooking, reading and golf.
Musical Instruments
Learning to play a musical instrument is another positive way to distract your mind from concentrating on cigarettes. Additionally, this will help improve cognitive functioning and relieve stress.
Video Games
Video games often serve as a quick escape from the burdens of life and can also be an effective anti-smoking activity. They can also work to improve hand-eye coordination as well.