Self Help Alcohol Groups for Professionals
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is the best-known self-help group for getting individuals to achieve and maintain sobriety. The program uses a twelve-step system that centers around surrendering yourself to God or a higher power in order to achieve recovery. To attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings with other professionals, simply find a meeting location that is within the nearest city's financial district, which is almost guaranteed to be populated with working professionals. If you happen to work in that financial district and are worried about running into colleagues, you can try the financial district of a nearby town.
SMART Recovery
For the practical and more scientific-minded professional, SMART Recovery may be the best choice for a self-help group. It is secular and therefore differs from Alcoholics Anonymous in that it does not involve any spiritual or religious ideas. It teaches participants tools that are based on the latest scientific research, maximizing the program's efficiency and empowering participants through the mind.
Moderation Management
For some working professionals, it is customary to drink alcoholic beverages while meeting with prospective clients and business partners. If this is the case, Moderation Management may be your best choice. It is tailored for people who are concerned about their drinking and the effect that it has on those in their lives, yet who do not wish to stop altogether. MM helps members take responsibility for their own choices and to stay on their own path, whether it is moderation or abstinence.
Rational Recovery
For working professionals who already have too much on their plates and little time to spare, Rational Recovery may be ideal. It offers a source of instruction and an online community for those recovering from addictions and working to permanently give up alcohol or drugs. This group believes the individual is the one who holds the power to stay sober; therefore, there are no meetings involved. However, there is ample information regarding the program available online.