Classroom Activities Showing Effects of Drugs
Smoking may be legal, but nicotine is still a drug. Instruct each student to speak to a smoker of at least 10 years. The student should ask the smoker: "Do you wish you had never started smoking?" Gather the results and display them on the board. The results will likely show that the majority of people who have been smoking for over 10 years wish they had never started. Ask students what they learned from the long-term smokers and how this helps students make a decision about smoking.
Drug Crossword
Students can use books, leaflets and websites to research drugs. Give students a list of websites on drug abuse and a drug abuse crossword. Instruct students to use the information they gather from the websites to complete the crossword. Hand students a range of different leaflets to examine aspects, such as layout and graphics. Instruct the students to compile their own drug information leaflet from what they have learned.
Catch It
Cannabis slows the user's reaction times. Instruct students to pair up or come to the front of the class individually to demonstrate the effects of cannabis. Have the student extend his thumb and forefinger to catch a pencil held vertically above his hand. Drop the pencil and watch the student should catch it. Ask the student to place his hand in a bucket of ice cold water and repeat the test. The second attempt will illustrate slower reactions, and the student may not catch the pencil. This is similar to the slower reaction times experienced by cannabis users.
Drug Talk Show
Each student group will be responsible for researching a different drug. Ask students questions such as, how bad think the drug problem in the country is and why people become addicted. Form the students into seven groups for club drugs, hallucinogens, sedatives, narcotics, amphetamines and inhalants. Each group will research their group's drug, and present a talk show, role-playing different drug-related situations.