Physical Symptoms of Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol is one of the most prevailing addictions. Excessive alcohol drinking not only affects a person psychologically but it also harms all major organs of the body. Recognizing key physical symptoms of an excessive drinker such as anxiety, imbalance and sleeplessness can raise a "red flag" and might encourage the road to recovery.
  1. Body Weight

    • Malnutrition can be found in heavy alcohol drinkers because they generally lose interest in eating healthy and nutritious foods. As a result, they can lose weight and become quickly tired after doing simple daily routine tasks. One gram of alcohol contains about 7.1 calories.


    • Another physical symptom of heavy alcohol drinkers is that they are unable to walk stably and lose physical coordination. In addition, consistently drinking too much alcohol can result in a decline in vision and hearing abilities.

    Loss of Attention

    • Excessive alcohol drinkers often lose their attention during a conversation and may not remember recent communication from previous days. Blackouts and loss of memory immediately after drinking alcohol is a common occurrence for most heavy drinkers.

    Lack of Sleep

    • Excessive alcohol drinkers often experience disruption in their sleeping routine. Some could develop insomnia unless alcohol consumption is brought under control.

    Body Skin

    • There are prominent changes in the skin of a person who is drinking too much alcohol. For instance, red palms, flushed face and spidery veins throughout the skin and on the face are common. In addition, parts of the skin get pale yellow -- the basic reason for that could be inflammation of the liver which is a far more serious health condition.

    High Blood Pressure

    • Frequent intake of alcohol increases blood pressure and ultimately leads to serious heart diseases like a heart attack or stroke. These consequences occur because large amount of alcohol intake increase the triglyceride level in the blood. There are usually no visible symptoms of high blood pressure -- that's the reason it is called the "silent killer." But you may feel a headache, visual impairment and shortness of breath which is called dyspnea.

    Anxiety and Depression

    • Alcohol directly affects a person's central nervous system as a depressant. Depression is one of the major causes of alcohol and is even experienced by people who drink occasionally. If an excessive alcoholic does not drink for a specific period of time he starts experiencing anxiety and may also get shakes, sweat and chills. This condition is known as withdrawal and in most cases it starts within five to 10 hours after the last drink.

    Sexual Dysfunction

    • Last but not least excessive intake of alcohol affects a man's sexual performance negatively. As a consequence he may face inability in achieving or sustaining erection during a sexual activity. As far as women are concerned even a moderate amount of alcohol intake can increase chances of a miscarriage. Experts have not yet developed any safe level of alcohol that is not harmful during pregnancy.

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