Drugs That Contain Barbiturates
Barbiturates, commonly known as central nervous system depressants, fall into a category of drugs called sedative-hypnotic. Like the name suggests, barbiturates have anesthetic, anti-convulsant, and respiratory depressant effects on your body. This means that the drug reduces the activity in the central nervous system allowing you to be calm and sleep.
Barbiturates are not illegal, as long as you have a prescription. Drugs that are prescribed for people suffering from headaches, seizures, insomnia or gastro-intestinal complications all have barbiturates in them and could cause you to flunk a drug test. Secobarbital, used for insomnia, Primodone, Butalbital, Seconal and Phenobarbital are the most common barbiturates found in prescribed medications.
Barbiturates, derived from barbituric acid, were introduced in the early 1900s. In those days, science and medicine were not very advanced, and many people became addicted to the drug. Barbiturates have since been replaced by benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are more widely used and preferred because tolerance develops more slowly, reduces the risk of a lethal dose and has a wider therapeutic index.
Although they are prescribed for a variety of conditions, barbiturates can be dangerous if not taken as directed by a medical professional. When taken regularly, barbiturates can be both physically and psychologically addictive. It is imperative that people who are on barbiturates be gradually withdrawn to avoid serious withdrawal symptoms. Abuse of barbiturates can cause coma or even death.