How to Help an Addicted Gambler
Research the causes, behavioral characteristics and effects of a gambling addiction by reading reference materials such as medical journals or by talking to a psychologist or other expert. Knowing everything about the addiction will help you make a plan to use while confronting the gambler about his addiction, states the Responsible Gambling Council website.
Gather material about local counselors who treat individuals with gambling addictions and treatment programs for addicts. Treatment programs can include impatient rehabilitation, which provides 24-hour support or outpatient rehabilitation, which is more flexible, allowing patients to attend work and school and fulfill family obligations. Have all treatment information on hand when speaking to a gambler.
Speak calmly to an addicted gambler, explaining your concern about his actions. Without using a judgmental or lecturing tone, tell the gambler the negative impacts gambling has had in his life that you have witnessed. Examples of negative impacts offered by the Responsible Gambling Council website include missed work or school, deteriorating relationships with family members or friends, unpaid bills or debt.
Describe to the gambling addict what actions you would like to see him take such as talking to a psychologist or setting limits on his gambling, states the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website. Present him with phone numbers or brochures you have gathered for treatment programs. Also tell him how you are willing to help, whether it is accompanying him to Gamblers Anonymous meetings, visiting a treatment center or simply listening to his problems and offering support and encouragement.
List ultimatums or boundaries that you are prepared to carry out if the addict refuses any sort of treatment. Describe what you will no longer do such as lending money or actions you will take such as taking control or all family finances.