What does the term hooked on mean?

"Hooked on" is a term that has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few common interpretations:

1. Drug or Substance Addiction:

- "Hooked on" is often used to describe someone who is addicted to drugs or other addictive substances. It indicates that the person has become physically or psychologically dependent on a substance and experiences cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and compulsive behaviors related to its use.

2. Habit or Routine:

- "Hooked on" can also refer to the formation of a strong habit or routine. It implies that someone is highly engaged in, or attached to, a particular activity, practice, or behavior. In this sense, it is similar to the phrase "caught up in" or "addicted to."

3. Enthusiasm or Captivation:

- In a more positive sense, "hooked on" can describe someone who is exceptionally passionate about a hobby, interest, or activity. It expresses their intense engagement, excitement, and enjoyment in a particular area of interest.

4. Technological or Informational Engagement:

- In the context of technology or information, "hooked on" can refer to someone's consistent use or engagement with a specific app, platform, or website. It indicates a habit of frequently accessing or relying on a particular technology or information source.

5. Emotional Attachment:

- "Hooked on" can sometimes describe a strong emotional attachment or dependency in a romantic or interpersonal relationship. It may suggest that someone feels deeply connected to or drawn to a particular individual.

When used in a negative sense, "hooked on" implies an inability to control or stop an unhealthy behavior, habit, or addiction. However, it can also be used in a more neutral or positive way to convey someone's strong engagement, enjoyment, or commitment to something.

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