What is the path of addiction sequence?
1. Experimentation: The person tries the substance for the first time, usually out of curiosity or social pressure.
2. Continued Use: The person continues to use the substance, often because it provides some sort of positive reinforcement (e.g., it makes them feel good).
3. Abuse: The person begins to use the substance more frequently and in larger amounts than intended. They may start to neglect their responsibilities or engage in risky behaviors in order to get the substance.
4. Dependence: The person's body becomes physically and psychologically dependent on the substance. They may experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the substance.
5. Addiction: The person is now addicted to the substance. They are unable to control their use of the substance, and they experience negative consequences in all aspects of their life.
The path of addiction is not a linear one. People may go back and forth between different stages, and they may relapse after periods of sobriety. However, understanding the path of addiction can help people to identify the warning signs and to get help before the addiction worsens.