How can you look sober when your drunk?
To look sober when drunk, try the following:
1. Keep an eye on your eyes: Alcohol can make your pupils dilate, making you look intoxicated. Try to keep them narrow and focused on one thing.
2. Avoid slurring your speech: Speak slowly and clearly, and try not to mumble.
3. Be relaxed but alert: Don't be too stiff or too rigid, but also don't be too animated or energetic.
4. Keep your breath fresh: Alcohol can cause bad breath, so try to have some gum or mints on hand.
5. Dress appropriately: If you're dressed casually, people may be more likely to think you're drunk. Try to wear something nice and clean.
6. Choose non-alcoholic drinks: If you're in a situation where you're worried about looking drunk, try sticking to non-alcoholic drinks like water or soda.
7. Don't touch your face too much: Avoid touching your face, picking at your skin, or rubbing your eyes.
8. Move slowly and steadily: Don't walk too fast or too erratically. Try to move deliberately and smoothly.
9. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you feel more sober.
10. Be respectful: Try to be respectful to others, even if your inebriated.
11. Stay aware: Be aware of your surroundings and your actions to ensure you don't do anything that will give away that you're drunk.
Remember that the best way to avoid looking drunk is to not drink too much alcohol. If you are drunk, it is important to not drive or operate any heavy machinery.
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