How to Find a Sponsor for Alcoholics Anonymous
Start attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. The only way to find a sponsor within the group is to start getting to know people who are in the AA program. You can easily find meetings in your area by going online.
Seek out members who have been sober for a year or longer and who seem to be doing well. You can gauge this information when people share their stories or just by mingling during the meeting.
Find a member of the program that fits the above criteria and who you feel comfortable talking to. In general, AA recommends having a sponsor of the same gender and suggests that someone of the same background might also be a good idea.
Ask the person you chose to be your sponsor. Most of the time, AA members are very pleased and often excited to help those who are new to the program, and being asked to be a sponsor is a rewarding experience that most will welcome. Also, many meetings ask people willing to sponsor others to identify themselves, making it that much easier for newcomers to approach potential sponsors.
Give it a trial period. Get to know your sponsor. Spend some time together during and outside of meetings. Ask about their personal experience with addiction and their philosophies on recovery. Make sure you get along well and feel comfortable with your sponsor before continuing the relationship. As with a therapist, you may have to "try out several sponsors until you find a good match, and don't be discouraged if this happens.