Signs & Symptoms of Illegal Drug Use
Narcotics are commonly referred to as "downers." The use of narcotics such as heroine and morphine leads to lethargy and drowsiness, however the most obvious sign of narcotics use is pupils that are constricted and do not respond to light.
Stimulants are on the reverse side of narcotics and are commonly referred to as "uppers." Examples of uppers are cocaine, amphetamines and speed. Signs of simulant use are when an individual fidgets a lot, can't sit still, has bad breath and chronic dry mouth. When a person takes large amounts, he may have random nose bleeds and dilated pupils.
Hallucinogens are illegal drugs that cause the individual to see things that aren't there and in other words hallucinate. Hallucinogens cause extremely dilated pupils, excessively warm skin and a strange body odor. Hallucinogens also distort the senses such as sight, touch and hearing.
Inhalants are anything that produces a vapor that the user can inhale. This can include, solvents, paint and in some cases even glue. Symptoms of inhalants are runny noses, sub par muscle control and watery eyes.