Signs That Someone Is Addicted to Drugs

A person suffering from drug addiction feels an overwhelming need to use the habit-forming substances, and might do so despite risks of losing jobs, homes and even family. Drug abusers often cause harm to family and friends because these people care for the abuser. Knowing that a person is on drugs and offering helpful resources can be the start of the road to recovery.
  1. Physical Signs

    • A drug abuser's body often exhibits physical signs of the abuse. The eyes might change. For example, pupils might look smaller or bigger than normal and the whites of the eye might be tinged red, or look bloodshot. A sudden weight gain or loss and changes in appetite are indicators. Personal grooming habits could lessen. Slurred speech and lack of coordination are both reasons to suspect drug use or abuse.

    Behavioral Signs

    • If you suspect someone of drug abuse, watch for behavioral clues to possible use. The person might have secretive behavior and leave the home at odd hours for unexplained and unclear reasons. The person's performance at work or school might suddenly become poor and he might miss work or school more often. Being late or tardy frequently is also a sign, especially if she was always on time before. Changing friends and hang out spots is also a red flag.

    Psychological Signs

    • A drug addict or someone abusing drugs displays psychological signs of the problem. He might exhibit strong changes in personality or attitude, suddenly becoming grumpy or happy for no apparent reason. Mood swings, irritability and outbursts are all common in drug addicts as are times of hyperactivity and giddiness. Being lethargic and periods of lack of motivation are common with many drug users. Being fearful or anxious is also a sign of possible drug use.

    Other Signs

    • Often a person abusing drugs might have financial problems and steal or borrow money from family or friends. If you suspect someone of using drugs, observe that person's financial situation. A drug addict will also be secretive with unexplained trips and absences from the home. Drug addicts might be abusing other substances like alcohol or admit to a small amount of drug use. You might notice missing prescription medication in your home if the person is abusing prescription drugs like painkillers.

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