What Constitutes Alcohol Abuse?
Disruptions in Daily Life
A person who is abusing alcohol is likely to find it disrupting many aspects of daily life. Such disruptions include an inability to fulfill responsibilities at home, work or in school. For instance, missing school or work due to drinking or being frequently hung over may be a sign of alcohol abuse. Similarly, neglecting responsibility--such as not fulfilling job responsibilities or neglecting children due to alcohol use--may indicate that a person is abusing alcohol.
Dangerous Situations
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one third of deaths caused by car crashes involve a driver who is under the influence of alcohol. A person, who frequently finds herself in dangerous situations due to the use of alcohol--such as drinking and driving--may have a problem with alcohol abuse. Other dangerous situations include operating machinery while under the influence, as well as mixing prescription medications or illegal drugs with alcohol.
Because of this, alcohol abuse can also lead to legal problems, such as arrests for driving under the influence.
Although many people drink in social situations or as a way to relax after a long day, regularly using alcohol as a way to relieve stress is a sign of alcohol abuse. This is particularly true if the use of alcohol frequently leads to being drunk. Similarly, the use of alcohol when feeling overly emotional--for instance, after fighting with a partner or to cope with trauma or loss--is also a sign of alcohol abuse.
While not all people who abuse alcohol will become dependent on it, people who abuse it regularly are putting themselves at risk for alcohol dependency or addiction. Alcohol dependency is a medical condition, in which a person is physiologically addicted to alcohol. This means that the person's body is used to consuming a certain amount of alcohol daily, and the person will start to experience symptoms of withdrawal if he does not drink. Alcohol withdrawal is a serious medical problem and potentially life-threatening. Any individual at risk of withdrawal should seek medical help immediately.