Health Alternatives to Smoking
Healthy Alternative: Take a Walk
Walking is healthy and relaxing! After you eat a meal, it's not uncommon for people to sit and chat at the table. This is also a time that smokers like to sit back, relax and light up. Therefore, as soon as you are done eating, get up from the table and go for a walk. This will help get your mind away from smoking, while you enjoy a brisk, healthy walk.
Healthy Alternative: Avoid Alcohol
Avoid alcoholic beverages! Do not go out to bars or restaurants where alcohol is sold, at least for the first couple of months after you quit smoking. Alcoholic beverages go hand in hand with smoking. As soon as you sip your first drink, you may develop an overwhelming urge to light up. Also, being around smokers may result in more temptation than you can resist.
Healthy Alternative: Get Your Sleep
More sleep means less stress Get plenty of sleep. Being tired is the last thing you need if you are trying to stop smoking, because during the first few weeks without tobacco, you may feel somewhat irritable. If you don't get enough sleep, this will add to the stress that smoking cessation introduces. So instead of reaching for a smoke to help calm your nerves when you feel overstressed, get a good night's sleep.
Healthy Alternative: Something to Chew On
Rather than a cigarette, try a straw. Remember that you are breaking a physical addiction as well as a psychological habit, and you'll increase your chance of success by replacing one habit for another. The psychological habit is having a cigarette in your hand that you put into your mouth. Instead, cut up some straws that are cigarette length, and place the straws where you would normally put your cigarettes. When you reach for a smoke, you will grab the straw. You can even chew on the straw in place of a cigarette. You'll be surprised how much these healthy alternatives will help you overcome the urge to smoke.