How to Confront Substance Abuse and Addiction Clients
When you know someone suffering from drug abuse or an addiction, one of the most important but hardest things to do is confront him. It is necessary if you want to see him get help and recover from his addiction, but a confrontation is a very sensitive situation. The person you confront is probably going to be upset with you and offended. In the long run, he will appreciate you for it, but approaching the subject can be complicated.Instructions
Confronting an Addict
Only confront an addict when he is by himself and sober. If you confront him when he is using, he will not be thinking straight enough to see your concern and your reasoning. Talk non-judgmentally about your concerns and your feelings in a calm manner.
Write down notes about how his addiction is affecting his life and use it to show him evidence. Write down how the addiction has affected you. Some examples might be: worry, illness, loss of income or missing important activities.
Research treatment programs and offer information on how he can get help. People are sometimes more willing to admit a problem if they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Offer recovery options and information so he knows exactly how to get help.