Drug Addicted Parents and the Effects on Their Children
Physical Impact
Prenatal drug exposure has the potential to cause growth defects and other ailments in unborn children. When the chemicals from drugs enter the mother's womb, she is exposing her baby to toxins that can alter neurological development to the point that nerves become damaged. Seizures are another neurological disorder that can result from children being exposed to drugs in the womb. If parents use drugs after a child has already been born, they can still do damage to the child's physical health. Smoking inside of the home, for instance, can cause asthma in young kids.
Emotional Impact
Children born of drug addicted parents are at risk for developing emotional disturbances, such as depression or anxiety disorders. When children grow up in a home that is unstable, or where they witness their parents behaving inappropriately due to the influence of drugs, it can scar a child and cause permanent emotional damage. This is especially the case if Child Protective Services gets involved and has to remove a child from his or her home.
Displacement Impact
Child Protective Services will remove a child who resides with drug addicted parents for fear of child abuse or neglect. Displaced children are temporarily housed with foster parents while biological parents are given the opportunity to get treatment to become sober. Sometimes, children are returned to their biological parents after a temporary removal, and sometimes not. Children can spend years in the foster system, moving from one foster home to another. The effect this has on children can be detrimental and cause emotional trauma. Not only do these children often feel they have no stability in their home life, but they also become at risk for manifesting aggressive behavior as a result of their frustration.
Educational Impact
Children of addicted parents may have more trouble in school than children who are not born of drug addicted parents. Indirect drug exposure can have lingering effects on a youth's ability to learn effectively. Learning disabilities may surface as a result of the exposure. Additionally, children may develop mental health problems that cause them to lose interest in their education and drop out of school.
Substance Abuse Impact
Alcoholism and other drug addictions can be passed down from a parent to a child. Children who grow up with drug addicted parents may experience a learned behavior that, in turn, causes them to start using drugs. This unhealthy cycle can continue until someone intervenes or the family receives professional treatment.