Signs and Symptoms Your Teen is on Drugs

Teenagers may try drugs due to peer pressure, stress or as a form of escape. If drug addiction runs in the family, the risk of developing drug addiction increases, according to the Mayo Clinic. As an addiction progresses, your teenager's behavior will change as they try mask the drug use. Seek help and treatment for your teen when you suspect drug abuse.
  1. Warning Signs

    • Teens using drugs may start missing classes or skipping school entirely. Grades may suffer as a consequence of drug use. Your teen might also lose interest in school activities such as sports, and he may lack motivation. He may change his appearance and lose interest in grooming or dressing well. Another warning sign may include a strange odor coming from your teen's room for certain types of drug use.

    Behavioral Changes

    • Your teenager may become argumentative. He might ban you from entering his room or go to great lengths to prevent you from entering. Additional signs include, developing a sudden change in friends or secretly talking in code to friends on the phone. Noticing pro-drug websites on your computer may be a sign of drug use. If your teenager becomes depressed or withdrawn, ask about possible drug use, since these point to symptoms associated with use.

    Cover Up

    • Teenagers using drugs may try to mask their drug use. The use of eye drops can eliminate bloodshot or dilated eyes. Using mouthwash or perfume can also hide the smell of drug use. The use of incense is sometimes used to mask an odor in their room.

    Other Symptoms

    • Missing money from your wallet or purse or asking for money consistently can point to possible drug use because your teenager may be stealing to support their habit. Dramatic weight loss, slurred speech, bad body odor and changes in sleep patterns sometimes indicate drug abuse. Other symptoms include anxiousness, hyperactivity, agitation and paranoia.

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