Informal Intervention Strategies to Follow
The Setting
You are certainly not going to have a successful intervention if you choose to talk to the person while he or she is stoned or drunk. Therefore, pick a time when the addict is sober. Furthermore, you do not want to confront them in public. Choose a private space, where the two of you can be alone. If you are not comfortable being alone with this person, have one other person accompany you.
Know What to Expect
Go into the conversation knowing that you may very well not change this person's mind immediately. Be prepared for the person to deny any sort of problem or to resist getting help. Furthermore, the individual might become verbally abusive and extremely defensive. You need to realize that this issue is just another one to work through, and that the chances of this type of confrontation happening are really quite high.
Be Prepared with Information
You are not going to win your case if you do not know anything about the type of addiction. Point out specific examples of how the individual is exemplifying the behavior of an addict. Furthermore, know what this addiction can mean for the person in the future. You should also be prepared with information about how the addict can obtain formal assistance through a variety of means, if options exist.
How to Act
Letting the addict know that you will support him in his attempt to get help is crucial, since this can be a very scary time for the person. However, you must not become a pushover in these situations. Sometimes an ultimatum is necessary. You might have to tell the person that you will no longer give him money, or that all contact will have to be cut off between you if the addictive behavior continues.