Teens and Drug Abuse Symptoms

Drug abuse is a very dangerous condition that can lead down a destructive path if it is not stopped. Teenagers are often susceptible to drug abuse, as their lives are changing rapidly and they are often under pressure at school. Teens who are undergoing difficult life events can slip into drugs without proper attention and care. Always look for warning signs in a teenager's performance at school and attitude at home.
  1. Appearance

    • Drug users often have physical signs of their abuse such as runny noses or bloodshot eyes. Teen drug users may not care quite as much about their appearance as they previously did. Check for unfamiliar smells as well, as some drugs have distinctive scents that can be detected.


    • Teenagers who use drugs may seem to be less coordinated and appear dizzy at times. They may be less interested in conversation than normal and start to drift off or lose track of what was being discussed. Blood pressure and heart rate increases are also potential signs of drug abuse. Drug abusers may become more elusive about revealing who they are spending their time with and what they are doing. They may constantly seem to be vague or hiding something.


    • Teens who are abusing drugs are more likely to have violent shifts in their moods from time to time. They may seem depressed, irritable or tired more frequently than usual. Random bursts of happiness may occur from time to time. Sleep patterns may become strange, as some drugs can cause users to sleep for very long or short periods of time. Drug users may also seem nervous or anxious, which leads to twitchy and awkward physical behavior. Occasional paranoia is another symptom of drug abuse.


    • Teenage drug abuse sometimes leads to a drop in their performance at school and lack of interest in other activities. Grades on tests and assignments may begin to fall off. If your student skips a class or an entire day of school, this could be another sign of drug abuse. Drug abusers may start taking less interest in their hobbies and extracurricular activities that they were once very excited about.

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