How to Find Free Drug Rehab Treatment
Seek out your personal doctor for professional help. The key to drug addiction lies in the brain, since drugs alter the physiological makeup of the human brain and affect a person's ability to think and control personal behavior. Drugs eventually are required to just feel normal during the day. Ask your doctor about the variety of steps you can take both mentally and physically to kick your addiction, and about your treatment and medication options as well. Be honest with your doctor; he's there to help you, not judge you.
Contact your insurance company; if you're insured, you may have a wider range of options available. Medicare, Cigna, Aetna and Humana have drug treatment coverage choices. Check too see if yours does, too.
Search out a treatment center that matches your expectations and personality, and is generally a good fit for you. Look for a center that offers a caring, comprehensive diagnosis and takes the time to diagnose properly. Consider a treatment center that offers compassionate, medically supervised detoxification and holisitic help. Examine a drug treatment center's follow-up strategy once you're done with treatment; does it offer aftercare help?
Find a free or low-cost treatement center near you. Do a simple Internet search for "free drug rehab treatment centers" and enter your zip code. Search for a free drug rehab treatment center in your area. If there isn't a treatment facility in a city near you, search for a free rehab center in your state. If possible, speak to a representative from a treatment center and ask questions that will help you judge whether it might be a good fit for you. Be honest when speaking to treatment professionals; they're there to help.
Contact a non-profit drug and alcohol rehab referral and placement service such as Speak to or email an associate at a placement service and request to be matched up with a drug rehab treatment facility that's free of charge. Contact Choose Help. Visit its website,, and download a directory of more than 1,500 affordable rehab facilities across the country, many of them free. Contact Intervention America for a similar service as well.