How to Stop Tobacco Addiction
Educate yourself. Sometimes just knowing the harm that tobacco products are doing to your body is enough to break your addiction permanently. Tobacco is responsible for 30 percent of cancers, and lung cancer has only a 10 percent survival rate. Besides tobacco and nicotine, cigarettes have hundreds of poisonous substances that are inhaled into your lungs and absorbed into your blood cells. Smoking also causes skin to age and shortens your life span.
Purchase a nicotine replacement product to help with the symptoms of withdrawal. Nicotine gum and the nicotine patch are approved by the Food and Drug Administration and provide a small amount of nicotine to ease the process of withdrawing from tobacco and nicotine. Since these products aren't as enjoyable to use as cigarettes and other tobacco products, they're not as addictive.
Prepare to face withdrawal symptoms. You'll experience strong cravings, but rest assured that each craving will only last about five minutes, no matter how strong it is. Over time, you'll notice that you have fewer cravings. You may experience headaches, nausea, indigestion and a sore throat as soon as you quit tobacco products, but these symptoms tend to disappear after about four days.
Limit your intake of caffeine, such as tea and coffee. Nicotine absorbs caffeine, so when you quit nicotine there will be extra caffeine going into your system even if you drink no more caffeine products than you did before. You may find that you're restless and having trouble sleeping. Cut back on the amount of tea or coffee you drink each day. Opt for decaf alternatives or dilute each cup with extra water.
Visit a counselor. Professionals can help you decide which route is best for you take when quitting tobacco products. They can also provide help when you're suffering through the first stages of withdrawal. It's common to experience irritability, depression and anxiety at first; a counselor will help you through these difficult emotions.