The Average Cost of Alcohol Rehab in Illinois
Average Cost
Prices for attending an alcohol rehab facility in Illinois vary depending on if an individual will be an in-patient or out-patient, as well as his length of stay and health insurance. While admission varies with each facility, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that the average Illinois facility cost for impatient programs runs at an average of $7,000 per month, as of 2010.
How to Pay for Treatment
Check with your health care insurance provider to become familiar with the facilities they work with. Many states including Illinois require health care providers to cover costs of treatments ranging up to 90 days. If an individual seeking treatment has ever been in the armed services, the Veterans Administration offers alcoholism treatment to its beneficiaries. Additional financial help can be included if a patient has a child, gambling addition or asks for church financial assistance, depending on the county of residence.
While paying for alcohol rehabilitation programs is expensive, treatment centers often state that they are a bargain compared to expenditures for jails, foster care and especially hospitals, which can run up to $2,000 a day in Wadsworth, Illinois, as of 2010. Helping individuals learn about their addition problem better provides the foundations for the individuals to become sober and maintain sobriety.