Good Ways to Detox Quickly
Alter Your Diet
By altering your diet you control what goes into your body. Eat large amounts of fiber, found in things like fresh fruits and vegetables, rice and even seaweed. According to the Mayo Clinic, fiber has been proven to increase bowel integrity and health-- a common breeding ground for harmful toxins. Additionally, Deborahann Smith of recommends drinking at least two quarts of water per day as well as sipping green tea to aid your body's fight against impurities.
Vitamins and Herbs
Your liver is a major factor in your body's constant fight against toxicity, as it is the organ whose major responsibility is to cleanse your blood. There's no better way to take care of and nourish your liver than by ingesting vitamins and herbs. Smith recommends dandelion root, burdock and milk thistle, as well as an FDA recommended 60mg daily amount of vitamin C which produces glutathione, a naturally occurring compound found in your liver. While these alternative methods are approved by the FDA, you should always consult your physician before beginning a detox program.
De-Stress Yourself
Naturopathic physician and Ph.D. Linda Page says "it's critical to detox" in order to combat stress, unexplained fatigue and bags under your eyes. Try to eliminate everyday stresses in your life by breathing more deeply and thinking positively. Also, there is no greater stress-assassin than exercise. Try yoga, light running or a brisk walk every day.