How to Overcome Alcohol Dependence
Recognize the signs of alcoholism in yourself. These could include feelings of shame during drinking, a need to have a drink to make yourself relax or unwind from the day, friends and family members voicing their concerns about your drinking and the continuation of drinking even though the use of alcohol is beginning to interfere with your everyday life and relationships.
Admit that you have a drinking problem and that you need help overcoming it. Knowing that you have a problem and admitting this problem to yourself and others is the first step toward overcoming dependence on alcohol.
Detoxify your body from alcohol. This involves allowing all traces of alcohol to leave your body, which generally takes anywhere from three to seven days. During withdrawal, a person may experience confusion, tremors or hallucinations. This withdrawal can sometimes be done at home with the assistance of friends and family members but may need to take place at a hospital or treatment facility; check with your physician before deciding what's needed.
Whenever possible, stay away from situations that may trigger alcohol cravings. These include social situations such as gatherings with friends that involve drinking and stressful situations in the workplace or involving friends or family members.
Seek help. This help could come in the form of a doctor or therapist who can help you deal with your drinking issues. It can also come in the form of peer support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or SMART recovery. You may also wish to seek spiritual guidance to help deal with your alcohol dependency through a minister or similarly qualified individual.
Inform friends and family members that you are no longer drinking alcohol. This includes telling them emphatically that you should not be offered alcohol and to not pressure you to drink alcohol at any time.
Begin a new healthy lifestyle. This includes eating healthful foods, getting plenty of sleep and exercise, and developing a new attitude toward a positive life that is free of alcohol. Taking up a new hobby and keeping yourself busy through work and friends will also help you stay focused and avoid drinking alcohol.