Facts About Alcohol Addicion
Symptoms of alcoholism include feeling strongly compelled to drink, not being able to control the amount consumed, drinking in secret, losing interest in other activities, experiencing withdrawal symptoms upon stopping drinking, storing alcohol in unlikely places and needing to drink more to feel the same effects.
Alcoholism increases your chances of having a motor vehicle accident, performing poorly at work and school, and having domestic problems, according to the Mayo Clinic. Excessive drinking can also cause liver problems, birth defects, heart problems and digestive problems.
Treatments for alcoholism usually include detoxification, psychological counseling, and medications that remove urges for alcohol or make drinking unpleasant, such as Vivitrol and Antabuse. Treatment may occur in an inpatient facility or in an outpatient setting.
Risk Factors
Risk factors for alcoholism include a family history of alcoholism, drinking at an early age, drinking regularly and mental health problems such as depression. Men are also more likely than women to develop alcoholism.