How to Detox From Lortab
Arrange to take time away from work or school. Depending on the level of your dependency, Lortab withdrawal symptoms can last from a few days to two weeks.
Consult a physician. Your doctor will want to know how much Lortab you have been taking. Answer these questions honestly so your physician can gauge how severe your detox period will be. Your physician may prescribe medication to help you detox at home, or, based upon your medical history and addiction history, he may refer you to an inpatient detox unit.
Find friends or family members who are willing to stay with you through the first few days of detox. Because of the small possibility of complications, you should not be alone until the worst of the withdrawal symptoms are over.
Dispose of all the Lortab and other narcotic pain medications in the house. This will reduce your temptation to end withdrawal symptoms by abusing Lortab again. If there are no instructions on the bottle on disposing the drug, you can throw them in the household trash. However, the FDA recommends mixing the drug with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter, so children and pets will not be drawn to them. Also, place the drugs in a sealable bag before tossing in the trash. (See Resources for more tips.)
Take any medication the doctor has prescribed. Clonidine, a blood pressure medication, has been found to have an off-label use of decreasing Lortab detox symptoms such as anxiety, runny nose, cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some physicians also prescribe anti-anxiety medications, but because these medications are also addictive, use them with care and only as the physician instructs you to.
Eat and stay hydrated. Even if you are nauseated, try to eat soft, bland foods and drink sips of noncaffeinated beverages.
Go to a support group. Unless you are physically unable to leave your home, going to a support group such as Narcotics Anonymous or to a substance abuse counselor can help keep you firm in your resolve to stay away from Lortab.