How to Permanently Detoxify for Drugs
Face the fact that you need to quit using drugs permanently. Mentally prepare and set a date to quit completely. Realize that detoxification will probably range from mildly to extremely uncomfortable and even painful and that mental cravings can last for months after physical cravings have stopped. Decide ahead of time how to handle withdrawal symptoms.
Begin drug withdrawal, preferably under medical supervision, but definitely with a strong support system in place. Depending on the drug, withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe. Just some of the symptoms can include shaking, anxiety, nausea, convulsions, intense cravings, sweating, aggression, depression and vomiting. Withdrawal time frame lasts from hours to months, depending on the severity and type of addiction.
Attend counseling and/or therapy as needed. Support groups, group counseling, outpatient treatment and individualized counseling all provide excellent options for seeing the drug dependent person through some of the most difficult times. Some individuals may even see a counselor or life coach as needed for years after drug detoxification. Others pursue a spiritual support system through a local place of worship.