Electric Cigarette Information
How Electric Cigarettes Work
Electric cigarettes have a mouthpiece or cartridge containing absorbent material that is soaked with the liquid to be vaporized. The rest of the cigarette contains a battery and a heating element that vaporizes the liquid so the user can inhale it. Many models have LED lights on the end that resemble the glowing tip of a conventional cigarette. Most electric cigarettes also feature rechargeable batteries.
Types of Vaporizing Liquid For Electric Cigarettes
The liquid in electric cigarettes consists mostly of the food additives propylene glycol and glycerine. It may or may not contain nicotine--varying dosages of nicotine are available. Electric cigarette liquid is available in a wide variety of flavors, including custom flavors. Some are made to taste like conventional cigarettes.
Health Risks of Electric Cigarettes
Research into the health risks of electric cigarettes is ongoing. Nicotine is highly addictive and causes cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke. It also compromises the immune system and causes wounds to heal more slowly. Such risks exist regardless of how nicotine is administered.