Nicotine Fast Facts
Effects of Nicotine in Dopamine Levels
Like cocaine, nicotine usage raises dopamine levels in the brain, resulting in the addiction to sustain such levels. As with most addictions, more and more will be needed over time to achieve the desired effect.
Lethal Dosage
A lethal dose of cocaine or heroin dwarfs nicotine in comparison. The body withstands cocaine in doses up to 750 to 800 mg and heroin up to 200 to 500 mg versus a 50 mg dose of nicotine.
Amount in Cigarettes
A cigarette contains about 10 mg of nicotine. A smoker absorbs between 1 mg to 3 mg with each cigarette.
Health Effects
Long-term use of nicotine decreases apoptosis, the process in which the body deals with dead cells. Disruption in the process encourages cancer growth. Research also points to nicotine contributing to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).