Detox Rehab Centers
Inpatient Centers
Inpatient detox rehab centers are typically provided for severe alcoholics and addicts of the more physically addictive drugs, including meth, cocaine and heroin. These centers typically provide initial consultations, then highly specific care, depending upon the level and type of addiction. For severe addictions, this usually involves close medical monitoring and the administration of certain drugs to counteract the sometimes deadly symptoms of withdrawal. Some inpatient centers use certain prescription drugs, including methadone, to slowly step-down a patient from the addiction of a harsher drug. According to, "the average medical drug detox requires 5 to 7 days." The more expensive inpatient detox centers often have a dual function as relaxation resorts, designed to provide the most peaceful environment possible. Most inpatient centers offer some level of rehabilitation aside from the detox process, including counseling, classes and 12-step programs. Court-ordered residents are common among inpatient rehab centers.
Outpatient Centers
Outpatient detox centers provide support for those addicts and alcoholics who don't necessarily require constant medical supervision. These centers focus more on providing resources, counseling and support, often in the form of group therapy, through the detox process and beyond. However, some outpatient centers also administer prescription withdrawal aids, primarily methadone. Like many inpatient programs, outpatient programs are often court-ordered for drug and alcohol-related offenses.
Rapid Detoxification Centers
Rapid detox, also called anesthesia-assisted detoxification, is an outpatient alternative for moderate to severe opiate addicts. The process takes place at a detox center or hospital, where the addict is asleep with general anesthesia. A doctor pumps large amounts of chemicals through the veins, in what would be an excruciating process if the patient were awake. These chemicals serve to rapidly detoxify your body, decreasing withdrawal symptoms. The procedure usually takes up to a few hours. Then the center sends you on your way, and typically does not provide any long-term rehab care.
Rapid detox centers have received a fair amount of criticism, particularly regarding the risk involved with the process, which can be potentially deadly. Also, the fact that these centers are quite expensive and do not provide any continuing care has received some criticism.