Substance Abuse Programs in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Park Center, Inc.
Park Center offers addiction treatment for people who are addicted to drugs (including prescription medication) or alcohol. The treatment programs also provide assistance for addicts with psychiatric problems. The center's outpatient program is designed to encourage abstinence, educate addicts about the disease of addiction and establish a recovery program. The residential programs are coordinated with Harmony House and other independent living facilities to provide a safe environment, supervision, therapy and a support system for the recovery process. The center also offers more intensive "Recovery Specialist" services, education courses and random drug testing services.
Park Center, Inc.
909 East State Boulevard
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
St. Joseph Hospital Inpatient and Outpatient Programs
St. Joseph Hospital is affiliated with the Lutheran Health Network and offers inpatient and outpatient treatment programs for substance abuse as part of its Behavioral Health department. The hospital's detoxification treatment program is an inpatient program that uses a methadone alternative medication (buprenorphine) to medically manage withdrawal symptoms while reducing patients' dependency on opioids. Intensive outpatient therapy programs can be an alternative to inpatient therapy or as a step-down program after completion of an inpatient program. The substance abuse programs provide psychiatric evaluation, medical monitoring, and oversight by a psychiatrist in addition to group therapy and individual therapy from licensed therapists.
St. Joseph Hospital
700 Broadway
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a national organization characterized by its "12 Step" outpatient treatment Program, which encourages members to stop drinking. Men and women come together at meetings and support one another to achieve sobriety and overcome personal obstacles. AA can refer members to local organizations as needed. The Fort Wayne AA meets several times daily.
Alcoholics Anonymous
2118 Inwood Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
East Wayne Street Center
The East Wayne Street Center opened in 1965 with the goal of meeting the needs of central city, low-income neighborhoods and families in the Fort Wayne area. The center has an outpatient support group and counseling for drug addicts weekly at 12 p.m. on Thursdays. Additionally, the center has a teen-oriented program, the ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug) program, which strives to prevent drug abuse. The program began in 1998 and targets children between the ages of 9 to 13 with activities that build a positive self image, self esteem and a sense of responsibility to the community.
East Wayne Street Center
801 East Wayne Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46803