Crystal Meth Effects on a Family

The use of crystal meth, a form of methamphetamine, often results in devastating consequences for families. The effects of crystal meth on families are extensive and severe, ranging from neglect, to fatal disease transmission to death.
  1. Neglect and Abuse

    • Meth is a highly addictive stimulant that causes a powerful high, eventually followed by paranoia and extreme fatigue. Meth users in the throes of this extreme cycle often neglect their families as the drug takes over their lives, and children often bear the brunt of this neglect. According to The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, children of crystal meth users or cooks are often malnourished, victims of physical or sexual abuse or have behavioral problems as a result of neglect.

    Transmission of HIV and AIDS

    • The National Institute on Drug Abuse says that crystal meth abuse may result in the transmission of diseases including HIV and AIDS due to risky sexual behavior associated with the drug or intravenous meth use. HIV-positive meth users may bring this disease home to their families, infecting spouses and children with the virus.

    Injury and Death

    • Meth Resources claims that children, senior citizens and pets whose caretakers are operators of clandestine labs that manufacture crystal meth are commonly exposed to hazards resulting in serious injury or death. Some children have dangerous chemicals or traces of meth in their systems, while others suffer burns to their lungs or skin from chemicals or fire. Families also die in explosions and fires resulting from accidents in crystal meth labs.

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