What Is the Meaning of a Disulfiram Reaction?
Disulfiram increases the concentration of acetaldehyde that occurs in the blood, and it may be as much as five to 10 times higher than normal. As acetaldehyde builds up in the blood, it causes a series of uncomfortable symptoms known as disulfiram-alcohol reaction.
Alcohol consumed and mixed with disulfiram causes symptoms that include throbbing in the head or neck, painful headaches, flushing, nausea, sweating, hyperventilation, dizziness, and other disorienting symptoms. A severe reaction triggers respiratory distress, irregular heartbeat, acute congestive heart failure, and sometimes death.
The duration of negative reactions varies from 30 to 60 minutes in mild cases, but it may last as long as several hours in severe cases. The presence of alcohol and disulfiram in the bloodstream together may require life-saving measures.