How Do I Get Switched From Suboxone to Subutex?
Changing drugs
Ask a doctor about the best way to treat opiate addiction. Monitor your Suboxone treatment. Many people who want to treat their opiate addiction begin treatment with this drug. This treatment includes having a doctor monitor your "induction," where you wait for opiate withdrawals to kick in before taking doses of Suboxone until you find the right dose. The doctor prescribes this dose to you, usually once a day, which should keep you from experiencing opiate withdrawals, allowing you to live a normal life without having to obtain illegal opiates. The treatment often includes counseling as well.
It is not safe to inject Suboxone. Ask your doctor about Subutex, which is identical to Suboxone except it does not include Naloxone. Naloxone, which makes up 20 percent of a Suboxone pill, is not supposed to be felt by Suboxone users if taken as directed. If you choose to inject the pill, however, which doctors say is dangerous, you will go into immediate withdrawal. This is supposed to dissuade users from injecting the pill. The effects of Suboxone and Subutex should be identical to anyone who is taking the drugs as directed. Nonetheless, some patients report a preference and claim that Suboxone gives them discomfort or anxiety, while Subutex does not. If this applies to you, ask your doctor about switching from one drug to the other.
Make the switch. If your doctor approves the switch, you can refill the prescription. The next day when you are scheduled to take Suboxone, take Subutex instead. Do not confuse the pills. Suboxone is orange, while Subutex is white. Let your doctor know if you experience any problems and always follow doctor's orders.