Organizations to Help Alcoholics

Alcoholism is a chronic disease, meaning it will stay with a person for life. It is also referred to as alcohol dependence, and is characterized by a craving for alcohol, an inability to control one's drinking, increased tolerance to the effects of alcohol, and a physical dependence. Alcoholism cannot be cured, but it can be treated with both drugs and counseling. Many organizations exist that offer assistance to alcoholics.
  1. NIAAA

    • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is a government funded organization located in Bethesda, Maryland. It works with the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services as well as other organizations and federal programs relating to alcohol. Its mission includes conducting research and disseminating information to those in the medical, research and policy fields. It also provide resources to the public including frequently asked questions about alcoholism, related organizations offering information and treatment, and links to clinical trials that patients can get involved with.


    • Alcoholics Anonymous describes itself as a fellowship of men and women with a desire to stop drinking. It has a decentralized structure, and requires no dues from individuals who participate. A General Services Office in New York serves to communicate with local groups, groups in treatment facilities, and those reaching out to the organization for help with alcoholism. All meetings are funded by donations from members, and local meetings are organized by local members who rotate through the positions of responsibility. AA is not allied with any political or religious groups, and it eschews controversy by neither endorsing nor opposing any cause. AA's treatment method is based on a 12 step approach to recovery.

    Mayo Clinic

    • With clinic locations in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona, Mayo Clinic is a not-for profit group medical practice. The Mayo Clinic offers chemical dependency treatment for those who have an abusive or addictive relationship with alcohol. It strives to treat the whole person, and offer psychological treatment for related mental illness such as depression. The ratio of one staff member to every four patients helps make the Mayo Clinic's level of personal attention very high. It offers inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, and continuing care programs to help ensure that recovery is ongoing. The term and type of treatment is tailored to the individual case, and it has a staff with extensive experience in the field of addiction treatment.

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