Addiction Studies Grants

National Institute on Drug Abuse defines drug addiction as "a complex, and often chronic, brain disease...characterized by drug craving, seeking, and use." Despite continuing research and work with addiction and addictive behavior, there is still no definitive or easy cure for this disease. For this reason, many grants exist for individuals and organizations seeking to obtain grants to research matters regarding addiction and drug abuse.
  1. International Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research

    • This grant, provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, is for research proposals on drug abuse and addiction which allow U.S. researchers to use and take advantage of international conditions (environment, resources, populations) to conduct research, in the hopes that it will speed the process of scientific discovery. Each year certain topics of research matter are given priority. For example, in 2009, issues that were given preferences were research projects which focused on linkages between HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, methamphetamine abuse, inhalant abuse, smoking during pregnancy and drugs and driving. Both institutions and individuals may apply. The costs must be outlined and fully explained, with applications asking for $500,000 per year or more in grant funding requiring special application procedures.

      Diana Haikalis, Grants Management Branch
      National Institute on Drug Abuse
      6010 Executive Boulevard, Room 260
      Bethesda, MD 20892-8403

    NIDA Translational Avant-Garde Award

    • The National Institute on Drug Abuse, through the NIH, provides this grant to institutions, organizations and individuals who are seeking to turn research discoveries into medications to treat addictions and addictive behavior. This includes tobacco, cannabis and hard drugs. The product or proposed product in development can be pharmaceutical or medicinal products such as vaccines. They may also encompass physical ailments resulting from addiction, including reducing pain or suffering from withdrawal symptoms, cravings or relapses. The amount of the grant is up to $500,000 per year, for five years.

      Pam Fleming, Grants Management Branch
      National Institute on Drug Abuse
      6101 Executive Boulevard., MSC 8403
      Bethesda, MD 20892-8403

    Prescription Drug Misuse

    • The National Institute on Drug Abuse, along with the National Institute of Mental Health, provide this grant for individuals or organizations working on research projects that aim to prevent the abuse of prescription drugs. Research may include social consequences of the abuse, measuring the extent of prescription drug abuse and populations which are most affected, medications to block or lessen the potential for abuse, ways to identify those at risk, prevention as well as treatment intervention, particularly for health care professionals in the primary care setting.

      Edith Davis, Grants Management Branch
      National Institute on Drug Abuse
      6101 Executive Boulevard, Room 260
      Bethesda, MD 20892-8403

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