Alcohol / Drug Awareness Education Classes
Drug Abuse Resistance Education is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. For officers, the D.A.R.E. program is more than just drug prevention education; it teaches decision-making skills to help students avoid high-risk behavior to ensure they grow up healthy, safe and secure. Hundreds of schools nationwide have implemented diverse alcohol and drug awareness programs.
Teacher Vision, a part of the Family Education Network, states that children need to be educated about tobacco, alcohol and other drugs to make safe decisions. It offers free lessons and printables to help teachers raise awareness about smoking, substance abuse prevention, and health and wellness inside the classroom. Teacher Vision encourages educators across America to spread the real facts about alcohol and substance abuse.
Driving while intoxicated is illegal in the United States. Going over the legal limit of .08 percent blood alcohol content, or BAC, results in a drunk driving conviction. In most cases, the offender is required by law and the Department of Motor Vehicles to take alcohol and drug awareness classes to regain driving privileges. The length and material of these classes depend on the offense and the offender's previous convictions.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information have created a National Drug Control Strategy. They offer printed copies of their publications and materials regarding alcohol and drug awareness by phone, and some are available online.
Toll Free: 877-SAMHSA-7
Spanish: 877-767-8432
TDD: 800-487-4889
Fax: 240-221-4292