How to Recognize Drug Paraphernalia
Watch out for containers. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, many drugs are stored in special containers, sometimes disguised as common items. These include envelopes, plastic baggies, paper bags, make-up kits, cigarette packs, vials and pill bottles. Some seemingly normal objects, such as soda cans, can be fitted with false compartments to hide drugs. Also, look for out-of-place objects. For example, if a parent spots a film canister in the room of a child who does not take film photographs, it may indicate the presence of drugs.
Look for items placed in unusual storage spots. If an object, however innocuous, is stored in an unusual location, such as under a mattress or in the back of a drawer, it may be because the object is illicit.
Learn to recognize the common signs that someone is covering up drug use. Mouthwashes, mints and sprays can be used to hide the odor of drugs on the breath, while sunglasses and eye drops can be used to hide pupil dilation or clear up red eyes. Air fresheners, perfumes and incense may also be be used to cover up drug-related odors.
Be on the lookout for images associated with drug use. Many drug users commonly flaunt their use with a number of signs or codes common to "drug culture" that appear in clothing, tattoos, jargon and jewelry. For example, psychedelic colors, marijuana leaf images and the number "420" are all commonly associated with the use of marijuana.
Read up on different types of paraphernalia. In order to correctly identify any items you've found, you will need to be familiar with the paraphernalia associated with different types of drugs. For instance, powder cocaine users often use razors, playing cards and mirrors to separate their drug into "lines," and use rolled-up dollar bills, straws and spoons to inhale it. The Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia handout (see References) can serve as a good primer.
Compare items you find with pictures. OHS, Inc., offers an extensive photo archive of drug paraphernalia that can be used as a reference guide.