Substance Abuse Certification
Levels of Certification
There are many levels of certification in the field of substance abuse counseling. There are many levels of certification that a person can accomplish in the field of substance abuse counseling. The North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board outlines many of these levels, the beginning rung being a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor.
A CSAC requires at minimum approximately 6,300 hours of work and training to receive certification. A CSAC, besides having the basic requirements of a high school diploma or GED, must have 300 documented hours of Supervised Practical Training. These first requirements allow the individual to apply to be an intern. After three years of interning, then a person can apply for the CSAC certification.
Other Levels of Certification
As you obtain higher levels of education in a related field, there are more levels of certification for which you are eligible. Another certification that can be obtained with a bachelor's degree is a Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Consultant. You need a master's degree to be able to certify as a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist, a Certified Clinical Supervisor or a Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional Credential.
Related Fields
Clergy are one group of professionals who can benefit from substance abuse counseling certification in their line of work. There are many fields of human service that can benefit from receiving these types of certification. The University of Wisconsin---Madison Substance Abuse Certificate Program recommends their certification to "social workers, mental health providers, clergy, and other human service professionals."
Program Administration
There is also possibility for certification in administration of substance abuse programs. On top of the certifications for substance abuse counseling, there are also certifications for administration in substance abuse programs. Substance abuse program administrators and drug and alcohol program administrators are the two main certified levels in this area.