Recognition of Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Defined
Pills According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, substance abuse "has been called the nation's number one health problem. AAFP defines substance abuse as "the problematic use of alcohol, tobacco or illicit drugs." The University of California, Davis' Center for Human Services states that "alcohol is the most commonly used drug. Alcohol and drug abuse are associated with 100,000 deaths per year, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Recognition Of Alcohol Abuse
Different types of alcohol AAFP lists various red flags on its website that may alert someone or his family and friends as to if his drinking may be a matter of concern. These include frequent absences from school or work, frequent accidental injuries, depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal symptoms, diarrhea, weight changes and sexual dysfunction. The 12-step program, Alcoholics Anonymous, provides a series of questions that those close to the abuser and the abuser himself can look at for guidance regarding alcohol addiction.
Recognition of Drug Abuse
Marijuana Like alcohol addiction, there are signs and symptoms of drug abuse. According to the Mayo Clinic, these can include, but are not limited to, using daily despite trying to cut back or stop, spending unavailable money on drugs to ensure not running out, and stealing drugs or stealing to obtain drugs. Narcotics Anonymous, another 12-step program, advises that some other signs include lying to a doctor to get pills, and drug use that interferes with sleeping or eating and interpersonal relationships with friends and family.
Risk Factors For Addiction
Some factors may explain substance abuse. Studies at the Mayo Clinic have shown that a family history of addiction may lead to drug use. Some other factors can include being male; dealing with depression, loneliness, or a psychological problem; a lack of family involvement; taking a very addictive drug; and peer pressure.
While substance abuse is a serious disease, various treatment options are available for consideration. These include rehabilitation centers, hospitalization, 12-step programs and transitional living. If the addiction is bad enough, an addict may need to go to a detox center to ensure his safety. An outpatient program through the detox center is also an option, as well as medications.