Signs & Symptoms of Drug Abuse & Addiction
Money and Possessions
If the person abusing drugs is a teenager, he will often have unexplained requests for money, according to the Mayo Clinic. Teens can go so far as to search the house for money or he may sell various valuable objects from the house to support his habit. The drug addiction will drive a user to obtain more of the drug, no matter the cost.
Work and School
A person who is abusing drugs will often experience a decreased interest in activities such as school or work. Students who previously achieved high grades will suddenly start performing poorly in their school work. Employees who before were model workers will begin missing an excessive number of work days, will have problems completing work and display other abnormal work behaviors.
A sudden change in the level of privacy required by a person, including teenagers, can indicate a problem with drug addiction. To mask their drug habits, many users will make their bedroom off-limits to anyone else or they will be unreachable for hours at a time without a valid explanation for where they were and what they were doing.
Drug abusers will display a sudden modification in their behavior. Abusers will often become irritable, be prone to angry outbursts, be lazy for hours or days, will display paranoia about any number of things, will laugh about subjects that normally would not seem funny or may have trouble concentrating on even simple tasks or conversations.
Drug users will often let their physical appearance go as they focus more on getting and using drugs. Personal hygiene and keeping clothes clean and neat will become less of priorities for a drug user. Depending on the drugs they are using, a person may develop bloodshot eyes, pale skin tone, shaking hands or odd smelling breath.