How Do You Get Alcohol Out of the Body?
Drink one 8-ounce cup of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume. This will give your body time to break down the first drink and hydrate you as well.
Eat a healthy meal before consuming alcohol. The food will soak up most of the alcohol you consume and help your body get rid of the alcohol faster.
Take two ibuprofen or acetaminophen and drink 40 ounces of water before going to sleep after your alcohol consumption.
Drink water first thing in the morning and eat a piece of bread to help absorb alcohol that's left in your system.
Do some light exercise to boost your metabolism and get the alcohol out of your system. If you can walk or run then do so for at least 20 minutes. Work up a good sweat and then take a hot shower.
Continue to drink lots of water and perform moderate exercise for the next 24 hours to rid your body of the alcohol.