Street Drug Reactions & Side Effects
Low doses of amphetamines---street name crystal meth and black beauties---can result in euphoria, alertness, and increased energy. High doses can cause temporary psychosis and increased aggressiveness.
Barbiturates---street name downers and nembutal---produce effects similar to alcohol intoxication, but decrease inhibitions and increase euphoria. Higher doses produce memory loss, greater levels of distorted judgment, decreased respiration, and susceptibility to overdose.
The street names for cocaine include coke and blow. Cocaine causes alertness, euphoria, and increased energy. Taken in high doses, cocaine can result in psychosis, paranoia, aggression, high blood pressure, and increased risk for strokes, heart attacks, and fatality.
Marijuana goes by the street names weed and pot. Marijuana generally produces mild euphoria and impaired motor skills. Chronic use can result in lasting short-term memory distortion and poor judgment. Physical effects include increased appetite and dry mouth.
The street names for opiates include heroin and china white. Opiates produce drowsiness, euphoria, pain relief, nausea, and reduced motor control and respiration.