Tough Love & Drug Addiction
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a disease in which the abuse or overuse of drugs, both illicit and prescription is employed. Drug abuse among prescription drugs is the abuse of narcotics like that of Vicodin, opiates like Oxycontin, and Valium. Abuse of these drugs range from overuse to gain a euphoric like feeling to purchasing and abusing these drugs without a prescription. Other drugs like alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, ecstasy, mushrooms and crack-cocaine are equally as problematic. These drugs are recognized as street drugs and provide the same addictive qualities as prescription drugs and also directly influence neurotransmitters and dopamine levels in the brain.
Symptoms and Side Effects
Some family members and friends are able to recognize the symptoms of drug abuse, however, some are not able to identify the subtle differences in a person who abuses drugs. Withdrawal from once enjoyable activities with family and friends is also a dead giveaway. Lack of interest in work or school are also evident signs of drug abuse. Twitching and physical withdrawal from drugs may also point to signs of abuse. Side effects of drug abuse include loss of resilience in hair, skin, and nails. Dramatic weight loss is also a symptom and side effect of drug abuse. Loss of appetite, agitation and depression are all side effects of drug abuse.
Affects on Family and Friends
The families of people who are addicted to drugs suffer from addictions themselves. Families and friends may become addicted to helping drug addicts for the fear of seeing them suffer. Moreover, families and friends are deeply saddened in seeing a loved one transition from being a productive member of society to someone that lacks self control at the hands of drugs which create havoc through the entire structure of a family.
Enabling is an addiction within itself that usually occurs among family and friends of those addicted to drugs. Not only do enablers allow abusers to continue drug abuse, enablers also allow drug addicts to become codependant upon their enabling behavior. Enabling behavior can be categorized as anything from bailing a drug addict out of jail for drug related offenses to supplying money or drugs. Also, another aspect of enabling is the incessant denial of a drug addiction. This behavior is not healthy for the enabler or the addict as it allows the cycle of drug abuse to continue.
Tough Love
Tough love allows the family to break the cycle of drug abuse, and it also diminishes enabling behavior. Tough love is the basic refusal to participate in any interactions that will help a drug addict to continue in their current lifestyle. Tough love comes in many forms and can range from cutting financial support to complete disassociation. These tactics may seem a bit harsh, however, many families have reported a change in behavior after tough love is implemented.
Although tough love is a great solution for families and friends, the best help comes in the form of drug treatment programs. These programs have qualified health professionals who can provide the best treatment options for a particular addiction. Moreover, these individuals can helf find the root of drug addiction which will help prevent relapses.